Thursday, June 13, 2013

Where Science Meet Buddhism Part 1

There are some arguments on Buddhism that actually connected to the sciences. that is, Emptiness, interconnectedness, and Nature of Reality
Material, rational, scientific
Eastern religion/ Buddhism:
Material, intuitive, spiritual

How do we perceive reality and how reality actually existed?
Emptiness: all arises and return from.
reality exists from emptiness
field of potential, in which every possibility arises from. Tao, Brahman, The Quantum Field in Quantum Physics. But firs explore the nature of what appears to be, material reality.
Particle and Wave 
wave/ particle duality
wave: Non-materiality
particle: materiality
Wave has no definite location between space or time. wave can only be understood as being everywhere at once.
particle exists in location between space and time, wave form, this apple were not only being in your hand, but spread out through it's possible state.

solid--non solid
the thing that determine whether particle behave like wave, or particle was ultimately found to be the very thing that absorbing phenomenon id human consciousness.
a particle quality is not pre determined but defined by the very mind that's perceiving it. so what appears to be one solid reality is actually only one solid of to underlying aspect of reality. that is wave an another particle.

The Emptiness of Atoms
atom: 99,9999999999999% empty space
this feeling of solidity is actually a repulsion or push of other set of atoms. similar to how magnet pools repel each other when two similar side repeat together.
repulsive force, illusion of solidity.
what holds everything holds together and makes reality appear to be solid is sea of fluctuating energy. not actually anything physical. not only your body is mostly empty space, but everything that you see, experience is overwhelmingly empty space.

The Quantum Field
We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense. There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.
Albert Einstein

Oneness/ inter connectivity in Buddhism
everything in universe is intimately interconnected. the idea that we are separate from both each other, and the world around us, is consider to be illusion. The true nature of both ourselves and the reality is a complete unification or oneness.

Oke guys, just wait and listen for a little time and you'll realize how wonderful this world is :)


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