Thursday, June 13, 2013

Introduction to Zen Meditation The Still Point

 John Daido Loori, Roshi Abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery

Zazen, I think if I were asked by someone one, ‘what is the most important teaching that Zen has to offer?’ important teaching that Zen have to offer?’ I would have to say Zazen, it is fundamental to Zen Buddhism.
In fact, the word Zen is derived from the Chinese Chan, which come from the Sanskrit word Dhyana, and that means meditation. Chan means meditation, Zen means meditation.
First thing to pay attention to in Zazen is the position of the body. Because the body communicate, not only communicate outwardly but also communicate to you, body languages. You may not realize it right of, but how you posture of your body creates a state of consciousness. So a lot of attention is given to the posture in Zazen.
For several reasons, sitting on the floor is the most stable, that the most important thing is to sitting on the floor, that it’s stable. And when the body creates a kind of tripod that affect with the two knees touching and the both touching, it creates a kind of pyramid form. That pyramid form is the most stable of all of the sitting posture.
We use the Zafu a small pillow to rise the bottom slightly to triangle of the ground. 


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